Landau Strategies provides the following advantages to your company.
Helping start a new business or transform your current business for post-COVID success.
Start Up Analysis.
Creating new or fine tuning existing Marketing, including concept creation and production of the actual ads.
Creating new corporate image.
Employee Optimization.
Strategic Planning. Finding New Markets. Product Analysis. Developing New Products.
Planning Sales Strategies.
Helping finding Merger Partners or Acquisitions
The results of our work for you will be a more effective and profitable company with solid plans into the future.
Our clients have been all size corporations, Corporate Leaders, National Politicians, and International Governments.
Recently, Landau Strategies became a direct consultant for the CEO of an alternative fuel company holding hundreds of millions of dollars of purchase orders for their product.
In this capacity, we went over all business plans, marketing, product development & research and provided corporate guidance in all these areas.
For nearly two years, Seth served as the personal consultant and sounding board to Mark Penn, CSO at Microsoft.
Seth provided him ideas on existing products and services, as well as creating ideas for new products and services for Microsoft. Total Microsoft Retail Store analysis with recommended changes were also provided. It was also Seth’s responsibility to be his sounding board on all other ideas.
Landau Strategies brought the concept and usage ideas for holograms to Microsoft.
Landau Strategies brought ideas for store and product changes to Microsoft which were implemented.
Brought the idea to Microsoft of connecting a cell phone to a monitor as a replacement Desktop PC
Landau Strategies brought the idea of an e-gaming league to Microsoft as well as sponsoring e-games worldwide before they became mainstream.
These were just a small sampling of the ideas brought by Landau Strategies to Microsoft in it’s two year relationship.
Previous Special Consultant to BGI Incorporated (Bill Gates) Security
Special Consultant to the Prime Minster of Kenya, the Honorable Raila Odinga, during his term.
Landau Strategies is experienced in providing clients high-level executive protection services.
Final Note: Many of our clients require privacy, we respect that. Our list is much longer.